Tender Details



Darwin, Palmerston, Tennant Creek - Solar for Social Housing Trial for a Period of 120 Months

This Request for Tender is for the provision of electricity generated by up to 30 rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems installed on public housing premises located across Darwin-Palmerston and Tennant Creek. 

Jacana Energy is undertaking this procurement as part of the Solar for Social Housing Trial Project (“the Trial”) that aims to test the commercial viability and technical solutions to deliver lower-cost energy for tenants. Being a trial, 30 rooftop solar energy systems will be installed at public housing properties owned by the Northern Territory Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities (TFHC) in Darwin-Palmerston (15 units) and Tennant Creek (15 units). To test a range of scenarios, properties will be selected by Jacana Energy and TFHC and include a mix of prepaid and standard metered households, in urban settings.

The supply of the solar PV systems, installation and ongoing operations, maintenance and general asset management will be procured under the terms of either a Power Purchase Agreement or an Operating Lease.


Jacana Energy

GPO Box 2601, Darwin NT 0801




16/01/2024 14:00 ACST


Supply and Delivery

Tender Work Regions

Awarded Contractors

Contract Value: $443,842.00

Basis of Payment: Period contract - estimated unit rates

  • NRN Holdings Pty Ltd

    Business Name: NRN

    Address: 1/180 George St, SYDNEY NSW 2000

    Amount: $443,842.00

    ABN: 29 655 025 479

    Territory Enterprise: No

    Aboriginal Enterprise: No

    Women Owned: No Information available

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