Tender Details
Alice Springs, Darwin - Panel Contract for Supply and Delivery of Live Insects and Frozen Rodents to the Territory Wildlife Park and Alice Springs Desert Park for a Period of 24 Months
The Territory Wildlife Parks (Territory Wildlife Park and Alice Springs Desert Park) have a requirement for the supply and delivery of live insects (mealworms, roaches and crickets) for animal food.
Both Parks have a requirement for frozen day old chickens which are fed to various animals on park.
The Territory Wildlife Park also has a requirement for frozen rats which are fed primarily to snakes mainly during the build-up and wet seasons.
Department of Tourism and Hospitality
GPO Box 3200, Darwin NT 0801
02/09/2024 14:00 ACST
Tender Work Regions
Closing List
- Frederick Brown (Rick)
- Gregory Stuart Mayo
- Pisces Enterprises Pty Ltd
- Wildcare Incorporated
Prospective Tenderers
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