Tender Details



East Arnhem Region - Elcho Island - Aerodrome - Inspections, Repairs and Maintenance for a Period of 36 Months

A general outline of the work to be carried out under the contract comprises of the inspection, monitoring and reporting on the condition of the aerodrome to ensure its continual compliance with the requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority document Manual of Standards (MOS) Part 139 as amended from time to time. 


Other - A limited or sole supply market exists. Elcho Island aerodrome is located on a very remote island within the East Arnhem Region. Marthakal Yolngu Airlines are the incumbent maintenance provider and currently undertake the CASA required role for Elcho Island Aerodrome. There is a very limited tendering field on island with Marthakal being the only organisation identified qualified to undertake the works.

Department of Logistics and Infrastructure

GPO Box 250, Darwin NT 0801

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19/09/2024 14:00 ACST


Tender Work Regions

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  • Marthakal Yolngu Airline Pty Limited
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