Tender Details
Katherine Region - Consultancy - Victoria Highway - Design Shoulder Rehabilitation 390-411KM
This project requires the Consultant to scope, design and document tender documents to allow the construction upgrade of road shoulder projects by various treatments. The location of the project is from 390 to 411 km and forms part of the upgrading strategy of Victoria Highway to improve motorist safety, reduce travel times and provide driver amenity.
Department of Logistics and Infrastructure
GPO Box 2520, Darwin NT 0801
02/12/2024 14:00 ACST
Tender Work Regions
Closing List
- ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd
- Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd
- Colliers International Engineering and Design (WA) Pty Limited
- DMX Group Pty Ltd
- Fyfe Pty Ltd
- GHD Pty Ltd
- Simon Byrne Pty Ltd
- Stantec Australia Pty Ltd
- WGANT Pty Ltd
Prospective Tenderers
Click here to see the list of tenderers who have downloaded this tender.