Tender Details
Darwin Palmerston and Rural Areas - Provision of Urban and School Bus Services for a Period of 72 Months
The Northern Territory Government’s public and school transport services are managed by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) and serviced by a range of contracted bus operators. Public transport services have been designed to meet the needs of the general public, students, students with special needs, seniors and the mobility impaired.
Further information regarding the public transport services managed by the DIPL is available on our website at https://nt.gov.au/driving/public-transport-cycling
DIPL seeks the services of a highly experienced and qualified service provider(s) to provide bus services in the Darwin and Urban Service Contract Areas. The existing contracts for these services expire on 28 February, 2022 with the new Contracts, the subject of this Request for Tender (RFT), commencing on 1 March, 2022.
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
GPO Box 2520, Darwin NT 0801
09/09/2021 14:00 ACST
Awarded Contractors
Contract Value: $220,461,591.00
Basis of Payment: Period contract - estimated unit rates
CDC Darwin Pty Ltd
Address: 113 Pruen Rd, BERRIMAH NT 0828
Amount: $220,461,591.00
ABN: 40 009 621 050
Territory Enterprise: Yes
Aboriginal Enterprise: No
Women Owned: No Information available
Closing List
Click here to see the list of responding tenderers at closing.
Prospective Tenderers
Click here to see the list of tenderers who have downloaded this tender.