Tender Details
Darwin - Dripstone Middle School - Supply Delivery and Replacement of Chilled Water Pipes - Stage1
A general outline of the work to be carried out under the Contract comprises:
Removal of Existing Chilled water pipes on Ground Floor stage 1 work.
Supply Delivery installation and commissioning of new chilled water pipes.
The work covered by this Specification includes for the manufacture, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and certification of complete operating systems of mechanical, electrical and fire protection services inclusive of all minor components necessary whether depicted or otherwise.
Department of Logistics and Infrastructure
GPO Box 250, Darwin NT 0801
24/10/2024 14:00 ACST
Tender Work Regions
Closing List
- FRM Refrigeration & Airconditioning Pty Ltd
- Millair Climate Control & Electrical Northern Territory Pty Ltd
- Parkmore Investments Pty Limited
Prospective Tenderers
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